
I completed my undergraduate degree at Cornell University, with a Mechanical Engineering major and an Entomology minor.

At Cornell University I worked in the Laboratory for Intelligent Machine Systems. As part of the DARPA M3 Actuation project, we focused on developing bio-inspired hydraulic actuators, and hydraulic walking robots.

The hydraulic walking robot on a treadmill suspension system I designed and built.

Hanging out with the robot mid-assembly, 2012.

I built a demonstration platform for variable recruitment McKibbon actuation, which was presented at the June 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge.

Variable recruitment hydraulic actuator. I built the weight-lifting arm.
hydraulic leg

My hydraulic leg test bed for experiments on hydraulic dangle (right) and a linear dynamometer for hydraulic McKibbon actuators (left).

My independent research project resulted in a poster presentation and conference proceedings.

Robot in bliss

The Robot, in Bliss.